Current events/Archive 2006

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October 2006


  • + Fi: initial version, I'm glad to introduce to you a first «Fi Rodovid» sysop - Sippala.

September 2006



  • + Hook 'Clan'
  • + hiderecords url parameter for Special:Recentchanges page. Please, check translation of MediaWiki:Showhideminor message.



  • + Ro: initial version

August 2006


  • initial version of It: localisation
  • joined db of users into all localisations and into engine. Watchlist at Rd engine cleared, sorry for unconviniences.


+ initial version of Pl: localisation


  • Tree preview changed, all bloody persons linked to they father and mother on tree. Links are highlighted when mouse is over on it.
  • Clans list under tree is sorted and builded with consideration of translation. Some time differnces new and old behavior can be visible at person tree and page.
  • To decrease server loading anonymous users can see only 7 generations of ansectors and descendants.
  • Registered users can set some new options at them preferences page.
  • New special page - Titleline - example. Title is case sensitive and at current time don't consider translations.

NB. These changes come as presentation part of new Rodovid engine version.

July 2006


+ use «MediaWiki:Rd flist clan» message to show size of clan on clan's page. Example en:MediaWiki:Rd flist clan


Initial version of Id localisation.


Initial version of He localisation.

June 2006


Dear users, last three weeks no mails were sended from rodovid server, sorry for unconviniences. Please, check your watch articles....


Initial version of Sr localisation.

April 2006


Proposal at wikimedia translated to ukrainian. Please, translate proposal to your native language... --Baya 15:12, 26 April 2006 (EEST)


Initial versions of Ja and Fr localisations.


New record field - picture. Example

April 4

I upgraded mediawiki software to last port version 1.5.8 today. Upgrading is not a question, espessually, during active developing.... Simple wiki is unusable (imho) for working with genealogical data. More then 7,000 peoples in rodovid db suggest it. --Baya 15:08, 4 April 2006 (EEST)


Persons and families counts (bug #8). Use structures, where NN is localisation domen prefix (en, nl, de, uk...)

<pcount></pcount> <fcount></fcount> - global counts
<pcount>NN</pcount> <fcount>NN</fcount> - localisation counts

March 2006


MediaWiki:Rd_datestatusmarks, sysops can format preview of dates with marks. Example:

FROM=$1 - $2
TO=up to $1
BET=$1 ?? $2

03-27 installed, please report bugs there.


  • Gedcom import to real db is enabled. Imported records are imediatly searchable, but not shown into recent changes!!!! To see added records you can use a special page Special:Changedrecords at every localisation.


  • Surnames list redesigned. Now all clans can have a special page into namespace 'Clan'. Future feature: if user turns on watching for clan page his will be receive notification not only about clan page modifications but also about modifications of any/new person of this clan.
Namespace 'Clan' are searchable by default (as Person and Family namespaces).


  • Gedcom import script v. 1.0rc:
  1. Provide less options then before versions.
  2. Create refnum <user id>::<gedcom filename>::<gedcom record type>::<gedcom record id> for further updates from gedcom file with same name.
  3. Similar search is now giving more false hits but it is better to give some false hits than to miss the same.
  4. Preview young persons and person with unknown birth date to user by default.
  5. Remove prefixies from clan value.
  6. Convert uppercase words to titlecase.



  • New feature. Registered users can set tree colors. Just create subpage «Tree Colors» of page of user and fill it by color values. Page must contain only colors

Example: User:Baya/Tree Colors


  • All event types now are compatable with Gedcom 5.5 + some other described into news for march 3. Gedcom allow add so many events with same type as you want. So now you can add two birthday... too.
  • Event types now are hardly coded. MediaWiki:Rd_personevents and MediaWiki:Rd_familyevents are using only for translations. If users need other types they must request for it. All previously imported events that not hardly coded are shown with its imported type.
  • Gedcom import. From this time information about filename, gedcom ID into file, user id are stored into record ind_refs field (all known uids from other resources) as
<user id>::<gedcom filename>::<gedcom record type>::<gedcom record id>.
This refnum will be used for future updates with same gedcom. When user will add data from gedcom file with same name and same ids into file, if gedcom and real record are the same script just notice user about it.
Due to this change all gedcom caches are cleaned. Sorry for unconviniences.


New synonym for interwiki wikipedia link = wk:


Gedcom import procedure fully reconstructed. It is now more slowly ((( but work with gedcom data more precisely for 5.5 version + some older structure. NB, during import:

  1. recognize only gregorian calendar, in other cases move date value to ext_info of event.
  2. recognize not 5.5 structure types '_MILT', '_EXCM', '_FA1', '_FA2', '_FA3', '_FA4', '_FA5', '_FA6'. If you need ask about others with example.
  3. ALIA recognised as other name value not a reference to other INDI (as into 5.5).
  5. All NOTEs from any structure are moved to global* Notes.
  6. TITL and PAGE of SOUR stored into global* sources array. All additional SOUR info stored in global* Notes with special marks (en:Moses O'Byrne), DATE, QUAY, EVEN are skiped.
  7. STAT, TEMP, AGNC, CAUS stored into ext info of event.
  8. AGE skiped and not stored, but can be used in future for calculations.
  9. RESN, SSN, RFN, RIN, AFN are stored into global* array "ind_refs" with type prefix. REFN with self type prefix. Accordinally new field for persons and families added (see edit pages)
  10. Date types are tuned to Gedcom values. (double dates FROM and BET will come in nearest future :) )
  11. checking for similar during import now compare not anly names, surnames but also reference numbers (refs), and spouses. In list of similars marked REFN and HW accordanly.
  12. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAMC used only as link to father and mother!!!! ADOP skiped everywhere ((.
  13. Full name. Now surname position into fullname can be set by "//". If name does not contain // mark, surname will be automatically added during prepararing to view to the end of name.
name: Jorg H. W. // Jr.
surname: Bush
resulted fullname: Jorg H. W. Bush Jr.

!*! global for current person or family

Gedcom import can be tested at engine. Over couple of days I add it to real dbs features.

February 2006


Initial version of german localisation - . Require sysop.


- many minor bugs during gedcom import
+ information sources
+ enhancing inventory chart (second parent mark, mark marriages between relatives)


Labels changed in person edit form. Instead one label for name and one for surname now form contains:

  1. two labels for names: Rd_nameatbirth & Rd_nameother,
  2. two labels for surnames: Rd_fnameatbirth & Rd_fnameother.


  1. remove Rd_name_help, Rd_fname_help messages from databases
  2. add Rd_nameatbirth_help & Rd_nameother_help, Rd_fnameatbirth_help, Rd_fnameother_help
  3. rewrite coresponded parts in Help article, that describe fields of genealogical records.

--Baya 12:23, 24 February 2006 (EET)


I've added a request at You can add yourself to List of «People Interested Joining» --Baya 10:32, 22 February 2006 (EET)

You can now create customised trees. The one below is customised for printing. Change the values to make it different. Hook 'ShowTree'


New Chart type (Russian genealogical inventory) access from every person tree and from Special Pages (show inventory of last new person). !!!! Chart require new system messages (english presented) --Baya 16:33, 21 February 2006 (EET)


Gedcom Parser added (Special pages, toolbox) --Baya 16:29, 21 February 2006 (EET)

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