Hook 'ShowTree'
From Rodovid Engine
[edit] Usage
<showtree> id=1162 deep=1 ShowSisters=1 ShowPairs=1 DivWidth=19 AutoHeight=1 DeltaHor=2 DeltaVer=0.5 GenHeight=1.5 ShowEvents=1 </showtree>
- id is the number of the person you want a tree of.
- deep is the number of generations of anscestors and descendants to show, if you use something big it will just show as many as there are, up to that number.
- instead of AutoHeight can be used combination of DivHeight and SisterHeight can be used.
- instead of deep -- CDeep (descendants deep) and RDeep (anscestors deep).
[edit] Examples
en:User:Bjwebb --Bjwebb 21:03, 22 February 2006 (EET)