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Welcome to Rodovid Engine!

The purpose of this section of Rodovid is to discuss the development of the Rodovid Engine, which generates family trees on Rodovid;
suggest enhancements and new features; and, of course,
do tests and try-outs with genealogical records about both real and nonexistent people.
Choose your option to start:

Special Pages

There are several special pages, created for usefulness in Genealogy.
They can be accessed from the Special pages menu in every localization.
The following are quick links to them:


In Engine, as opposed to the localizations, you can add persons and families without any restrictions, checks and verifications -
study how it works!

Add a new person

There are several different examples of the way family trees can be created:

Help needed - HTML and Wiki syntax

Some interesting questions about "Clan:" pages : see Lineage:Test1.

Latest news

Latest news:

December 2021 After 16 years of work Gmail decided that Rodovid sends spam to Rodovid users and stopped accepting mails from Rodovid. I highly recommend to use Gmail just for gaming and other temporal activity :)
August 2016 Rodovid in Brezhoneg - Events Viewer is fully implemented in this (very) young localization !
June 2016 Roddovid.EN is red link free !
May 2016 Rodovid is ranked #82 in "Top 100 Genealogy Websites of 2016" of GenealogyInTime Magazine!
april 2016 Arabic translation for Rodovid has begun !
december 2015 Rodovid is cited 5 times in Revue française de Généalogie - Hors série édition 2016 (French Review of Genealogy - Special issue 2016 edition) as a reference for 5 places in France :

september 2015 important improvments in Rodovid software! See : this page!
2015-07-20 : several sysops, tired by trolls and fakes in Rodovid, worying about Rodovid's future, have launched a campaign : "Stop trolling RD". Please help us to break these fantasy links. First step: cleaning Rodovid.EN that seems to be the sickest localization of Rodovid.
2015-06-06 : RoGer, a bot to save your Rodovid trees to a gedcom file on your hard drive.
2015-05-29 : Gerod, third attempt to create a bot for uploading datas from Gedcom files into Rodovid.
2015-03-04 : good news : 2014 report about ads !!!
2012-12-02 : Roadmap. Talking about next Rodovid.
2010-11-19 : Events Viewer !
2010-09-05 : Experiments in Rodovid.FR

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