
From Rodovid Engine

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$rdNamespaces = array(
	NS_RODOVID => "Person",
	NS_RODOVID_TALK => "Person_talk",
	NS_FAMILY => "Family",
	NS_FAMILY_TALK => "Family_talk",
	NS_CLAN => "Lineage",
	NS_CLAN_TALK => "Lineage_talk",
	NS_SOURCE => "Source",
	NS_SOURCE_TALK => "Source_talk",
	NS_PLACE => "Place",
	NS_PLACE_TALK => "Place_talk",

$rdMessages = array(
	'changedrecords' => "Records, changed",
	'chartinventory' => "Descendants (Inventory)",
	'familylist' => "Alphabetical list of last names registered in Rodovid's database",
	'gedcomparser' => "GEDCOM Parser",
	'monthbirthdays' => "Birthdays of month",
	'newrecords' => "Records, new",
	'oldestpersons' => "Persons, oldest",
	'titleline' => "$1, timeline",
	'tree' => "Full Tree",
	'usertree' => "User's tree",
	'yearslist' => "Persons grouped by birth year",
	'youngestpersons' => "Persons, youngest",

	'rd_addbtn' => "Add",
	'rd_addeventbtn' => "Add an event",
	'rd_addnewpersonbtn' => "Add a new person",
	'rd_addperson' => "Add a person",
	'rd_addperson-url' => "{{SERVER}}{{localurl:Person:New|action=edit}}",
	'rd_addsourcebtn' => "Add a source",
	'rd_birthdatemark' => "BIRT=b.
	'rd_children' => "Children",
	'rd_children_help' => "",
	'rd_clan' => "Lineage",
	'rd_clan_help' => "Lineage is lineal descent from an ancestor. It also meas the descendants of a common ancestor considered to be the founder of the line.

The '''lineage''' name is usually the '''last name given to a person at his or her birth'''. If a child is given at birth last names of both of his/her parents, then enter '''only one''' of the two last names here. Usually, it will be '''father's last name'''. Colors on any family tree will be defined by the value of this field, i.e. when viewing the family trees that you have created, you will be able to identify direct descendants of a common ancestor by their color.

'''Very important note:''' If children track their lineage to their father, then '''ALL''' the children of one father must have the value of their father's lineage. Founders of a new lineage, first of all, belong to their father's lineage whereas their children may belong to a new lineage (this is especially true for children of a mother who has changed her last name upon marriage. Such children will most likely follow their father's lineage and bear his last name.) If children track their lineage to their mother, then '''ALL''' the children of one mother must have the value of their mother's lineage.",
	'rd_comparewithnewest' => "Compare localizations",
	'rd_country' => "country",
	'rd_datestatuses' => "=on
	'rd_datestatusmarks' => "=$1
FROM=$1 - $2
BET=$1 ? $2",
	'rd_day' => "day",
	'rd_deathdatemark' => "DEAT=d.
	'rd_edit_newfamily' => "Add a new family, i.e. register a marriage",
	'rd_editfamily' => "Edit family events",
	'rd_emptyarticle' => "<!-- DON'T CHANGE IT -->",
	'rd_eventinitiated' => "touch on",
	'rd_eventslist' => "Events",
	'rd_eventslist_help' => "Here you can list different events that have taken place during a person's life (add family events when editing a family record; records of birth and marriages are created automatically.) It will be impossible to remove an event after it has been added to the database, it can only be edited. Should you wish to use an additional event type, ask an administrator on the discussion pages for [[MediaWiki:Rd_personevents|Individual Events]] and [[MediaWiki:Rd_familyevents|Family Events]].

'''Note:''' Don't forget to tick a box to the left from an event that you have added by clicking on the '''Add an event''' button for saving it.",
	'rd_evinfo' => "ext info",
	'rd_ext' => "Notes",
	'rd_ext_help' => "{|
|Here you can add short notes about the person whose record you are now creating or editing. This field can be edited as a standard wiki text, with the possibilities of Categories, tables, etc. Please, use it only for '''short''' notes. For additing detailed information, use wiki pages by additing links to them in the '''Wiki-page''' field above.

If you are creating or editing a record about a famous person, check the list of [[Special:Categories|Categories]] and pick up the one that suits you best. If a category is not listed there, you can create a new one as is shown on the right. The category will appear at the bottom of each person's page, just below his/her family tree. 
 Pseudonym:  George Eliot
 [[Category:English writers]]
	'rd_family' => "Family",
	'rd_family_help' => "Here you can virtually create a new family with children. However, the sequence in which this has to be done differs from what happens in normal life. 

'''First''', you should add children (if any) for the person whose record you are now creating or editing. Just click '''Add''' button to the right from the '''Children''' field. After you have created a new record about a child with his/her father or mother added, you can proceed to the '''second''' step and register the marriage of the child's parents (one of whom will be the person whose record you are now editing) by clicking on the '''Add a new family''' button. 

If a family record is not created, i.e. marriage is not registered in the database, husband or wife of the person whose record you are now editing will not be shown on the person's family tree. If a couple has common children, husband or wife will always be listed in this field. However, the couple will only be shown on their family tree if a record about their family has been created.",
	'rd_familyedittext' => "On this page you can edit the information about this family.",
	'rd_familyevents' => "MARR=marriage
	'rd_familyexistsinotherlang' => "<div style='border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 7px; background-color: #fff; color: #000'>'''NOTICE''': A version of this record in another language is newer than this version. Time (GMT) of the newest edit and the last edit in this language are corespondently: $1 > $2.
* '''$3'''
	'rd_familylist' => "List of last names",
	'rd_familylist-url' => "{{ns:special}}:FamilyList",
	'rd_father' => "Father",
	'rd_father_help' => "All family ties are based on father and mother links. These are very important.",
	'rd_flist' => "List of last names",
	'rd_flist_all' => "All",
	'rd_flist_allclans' => "List of all lineages (sorted by size)",
	'rd_flist_clan' => "Lineage \"$1\" contains $2 people",
	'rd_flist_clans_for_letter' => "\"$1...\" letter",
	'rd_flist_goto_page' => "Go to page",
	'rd_flist_next' => "Next",
	'rd_flist_previous' => "Previous",
	'rd_fname' => "Last name",
	'rd_fname_help' => "Type in all last names known to you in the chronological order a person used them, starting from the '''maiden name'''. Only one last name per line is allowed. If a person's last name is not known, type in a question mark ('''?''') instead.",
	'rd_fnameatbirth' => "Last name at birth",
	'rd_fnameatbirth_help' => "The '''last name''', '''family name''', or '''surname''' is the part of a person's full name that indicates to what family he or she belongs. The '''last name given at birth''' is usually the last name of a child's father.",
	'rd_fnameother' => "Other last names",
	'rd_fnameother_help' => "Here you can list all other last names except for the last name given at birth. These may include last names taken upon marriage, changed for some reason, etc. Type one last name per line in the chronological order. If you do not know the maiden name or the last name taken upon marriage, type in a question mark '''?''' instead.",
	'rd_fullnameatbirth' => "Full name (at birth)",
	'rd_grandchildren' => "Grandchildren",
	'rd_grandparents' => "Grandparents",
	'rd_hiddenevents' => "CHILD=child birth",
	'rd_ind_refs' => "References",
	'rd_ind_refs_help' => "Unique IDs from other databases, such as SSN, AFN, etc.",
	'rd_itsme' => "It's me",
	'rd_itsme_help' => "With this checkbox you can identify yourself as this record. This will allow you to view your own family tree by clicking '''My Tree''' in the navigation bar.",
	'rd_linktotreetitle' => "View full tree",
	'rd_longnotes' => "The notes are too long, they can be read on the person's page.",
	'rd_me' => "My Tree",
	'rd_me-url' => "{{ns:person}}:Me",
	'rd_mother' => "Mother",
	'rd_mother_help' => "All family ties are based on the father and mother links. These are very important.",
	'rd_name' => "First name",
	'rd_name_help' => "One first name per line in chronological order",
	'rd_nameatbirth' => "First name at birth",
	'rd_nameatbirth_help' => "The '''name at birth''' is the name a child is given by his or her parents.",
	'rd_nameother' => "Other given names",
	'rd_nameother_help' => "One name per line in chronological order.",
	'rd_names' => "Names",
	'rd_newrecordstext' => "{{Statistics}}

	'rd_noitsuser' => "No, this is $1",
	'rd_nomepersoneditortext' => "<div style='border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 7px;'>
<h2>Here you can add a new genealogical record about yourself</h2>
* Before adding any data, please, '''[[{{ns:special}}:Search|search through the database]]'''  as it may appear that someone else has already added data about you.
* '''To add a new genealogical record''' fill in the form below. Press '''Show preview''' to check your work before saving. When it looks OK, click '''Save page'''. Your new data will be added to the database and other users will be able to see your record.
* You can add a record about yourself in another language: '''$1'''.
* If you are '''new to Rodovid''' please read '''[[{{ns:Help}}:Contents|Help]]'''.
<small>'''Hint:''' Move cursor over the '''question marks''' in the form below to view short help messages for possible values.</small></div>",
	'rd_nomepersontext' => "<div style='border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 7px;'>
<h2>The database does not contain a record marked as being you</h2> 
You can:
* '''[[{{ns:special}}:Search|Search for a record about you]]''' and mark it using \"It's me\"...
* '''[{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:Me|action=edit}} Add a new genealogical record]''',
* Add a record about yourself in another language: '''$1'''.</div>",
	'rd_nonewfamilyeditortext' => "<div style='border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 7px;'>
<h2>Here you can add a new family record</h2>
* '''To add a new family record''' fill in the form below. Press '''Show preview''' to check your work before saving. When it looks OK, click '''Save page'''. The record will be added to the database and other users will be able to see it.
* You can add a record about a family in any of the following languages: '''$1'''.
* '''If you are new to Rodovid''', please, read '''[[{{ns:Help}}:Contents| Help]]'''.
<small>'''Hint:''' Move cursor over the '''question marks''' in the form below to view short help messages for possible values.</small></div>",
	'rd_nonewfamilytext' => "<div style='border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 7px;'>
<h2>The database does not contain a family record with the requested number.</h2>
You can:
* '''[{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:New|action=edit}} Add a new record about this family]'''.
* You can add a record about the family in another language: '''$1'''.</div>",
	'rd_nonewpersoneditortext' => "<div style='border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 7px;'>
<h2>Here you can add a new genealogical record to the \"{{SITENAME}}\" database.</h2>
* Before adding any data, please, '''[[{{ns:special}}:Search|search through the database]]''' as it may appear that someone else has already added the same data.
* '''To add a new genealogical record''', fill in the form below. Press '''Show preview''' to check your work before saving. When it looks OK, click '''Save page'''. Your new data will be added to the database and other users will be able to see your records.
* You can add a record about a person in any of the following languages: '''$1'''.
* '''If you are new to Rodovid''', please, read '''[[{{ns:Help}}:Contents|Help]]'''.
<small>'''Hint:''' Move cursor over the '''question marks''' in the form below to view short help messages for possible values.</small></div>",
	'rd_nonewpersontext' => "<div style='border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 7px; color: #000'>
<h2>The Rodovid database does not contain a genealogical record with the requested number.</h2>
* '''[{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:New|action=edit}} Create a record for a new person in English]'''.
* Create a record about a person in any of the following languages: '''$1'''.</div>",
	'rd_otherrefnums' => "Reference numbers",
	'rd_parents' => "Parents",
	'rd_personedittext' => "Here you can edit information about a person",
	'rd_personevents' => "BIRT=birth

BAPL=baptism LDS
BARM=bar mitzvan
BASM=bas mitzvan
CHRA=adult christening
CONL=confirmation LDS
ENDL=endownment LDS
FCOM=first communion
SLGC=sealing child
SLGS=sealing spouse

NCHI=children count
DSCR=physical description
NMR=marriage count
_MILT=military service

_FA1=fact 1
_FA2=fact 2
_FA3=fact 3
_FA4=fact 4
_FA5=fact 5
_FA6=fact 6",
	'rd_personexistsinotherlang' => "<div style=\"border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 7px; background-color: #fff; color: #000\">
'''NOTICE''': Other localization of this record is newest then this localization. Time (GMT) of last editing newest and this localizations corespondently: $1 > $2.
* '''$3'''
	'rd_picture' => "Picture",
	'rd_picture_help' => "Here you can add a picture of or related to the person whose record you are now creating or editing. To add a new image, go to the '''Toolbox''' below the '''Search''' bar on the left and click on '''Upload an image'''. After you are done, you can add the uploaded image here. The format is as follows:
 '''Image_file_name.png|your caption'''
The recommended image width is 180px. You can set the image width as follows:
 '''Image_file_name.png|thumb|180px|your caption'''",
	'rd_place' => "place",
	'rd_pleasewait' => "Loading...",
	'rd_record_lang' => "Language",
	'rd_record_lang_help' => "This field is used to identify the localization in which the record was added. It '''cannot''' be modified through your preferences.

Please, add all the records '''in the language of localization''' you are currently using. That is when you are using the '''English localization of Rodovid''', add all the records '''in English'''. 

After a record has been added, it can be translated into other languages. To start on the translation do the following:
:In the address bar of your browser, change the first two letters of the address of the page of your record after the '''http://''' by the two letters identifying the localization in which you would like to translate your record. The format is as follows: 
:* http://'''en'''.rodovid.org/wk/Person:00000 - English localization
:* http://'''uk'''.rodovid.org/wk/Person:00000 - Ukrainian localization
:Translate all the fields that you wish. Preview and save your work.",
	'rd_searchperson' => "Find",
	'rd_searchpersontext' => "Search for $1 or by Rodovid ID $2 $3 $4",
	'rd_setbtn' => "Set",
	'rd_sex' => "Sex",
	'rd_sex_f' => "Female",
	'rd_sex_help' => "Be careful, the mother can only be female and the father can only be male. It will be impossible to select a mother or a father with the wrong gender. The gender value will be unchangable for a person after records of that person's children have been created in the database. The search during the process of setting/changing the father or the mother is done with the check-up of this field's value.",
	'rd_sex_m' => "Male",
	'rd_sex_unknown' => "<font color='red'>unknown</font>",
	'rd_similartypes' => "FN=similar last name
FaCh=same father
MoCh=same mother
FEN=full name equal
REFN=equal references",
	'rd_sisters' => "Brothers & sisters",
	'rd_sisters_help' => "-",
	'rd_sourceinfo' => "record info",
	'rd_sources' => "Sources",
	'rd_sources_help' => "One per line, format:
 <source name>::<details>",
	'rd_statstext' => "The database contains '''$1''' records about people, '''$2''' added in the current localisation. '''$3''' records about families, '''$4''' in the current localisation.",
	'rd_titlelinetext' => "List of persons titled \"[[$1]]\"",
	'rd_treeheader' => "From grandparents to grandchildren",
	'rd_treestats' => "This tree contains: $1 families with $2 people in $3 lineages, $4 of these people are blood relatives; $5 families with $6 people are hidden.",
	'rd_treeuseranontext' => "<div class='toc'>Generation of a large tree takes a lot of resources of our web server. Anonymous users can only see $1 generations of ancestors and $2 - of descendants on the full tree to decrease server loading by search engines. ''If you wish to see a full tree without registration, add text '''?showfulltree=yes''' directly to the end of URL of this page. Please, don't use direct link to a full tree anywhere else.''</div>",
	'rd_unknownfather' => "<< unknown >>",
	'rd_unknownmother' => "<< unknown >>",
	'rd_unwatchclan' => "Unwatch lineage",
	'rd_watchclan' => "Watch lineage",
	'rd_wikipage' => "Wiki-page",
	'rd_wikipage_edit' => "Edit",
	'rd_wikipage_help' => "By using this field you can create a link to a new page on this site about a person whose record you are now creating or editing. To do so, just type the person name in this field as follows: '''John Smith'''. Also, you can add a link to an existing page on '''Wikipedia''' by using the '''wk:''' prefix. The format is as follows '''wk:John Smith'''. These pages will be accessible from any tree via the link '''w''' to the left from the person's name. You can always expand the newly created page about the person using the standard wiki technology.",
	'rd_year' => "year",
	'rd_yeardecade' => "$1-s",

	'gedcom_addcategory' => "Add all imported records to $1 category. Leave this field blank if you don't require this",
	'gedcom_anonnotice' => "The GEDCOM import procedure uses a temporary cache on our server for your GEDCOM file. This cache can be assigned to you only when you are logged in. Just select your login name and password on [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:Special:Userlogin|returnto=Special:GedcomParser}} login page] and then come back. Sorry for the inconvenience.",
	'gedcom_assignbtn' => "Assign gedcom item to selected record",
	'gedcom_assignclanorder' => "If lineage is not set, take it from (in order)",
	'gedcom_assignsurnameorder' => "If last name is not set, take it from (in order)",
	'gedcom_autoassign' => "Recognize an existing record if both father and mother of the gedcom record and the database record are known and the same. For recognized records, no information will be imported. Don't check this box if the gedcom file contains brothers or sisters with similar names.",
	'gedcom_autoimport' => "Automatic import options",
	'gedcom_autoimporttext' => "Import fully automatically. Please, use this feature carefully. It's better to measure ten times and then cut one time only ... Automatically imported records are not shown in recent changes.",
	'gedcom_autorecordcount' => "Import not more than $1 records at once. No matter what you specify here, the script stops in any case after 25 seconds of execution.",
	'gedcom_autoupdate' => "Replace the content of a corresponding record in the database with the gedcom data
if both father and mother of the gedcom and existing records are known and the same. Don't check the box if the gedcom file contains brothers or sisters with similar names.
<b>This option will not work if autoassigning (above) is enabled.</b>",
	'gedcom_badformat' => "The gedcom file has a bad format.",
	'gedcom_canbeassigned' => "Current record data",
	'gedcom_clear' => "Clear your gedcom data cache",
	'gedcom_clearskipmark' => "Clear skip mark on records in your gedcom cache (after clearing you can import previously skipped records)",
	'gedcom_consistent' => "Consistent import options",
	'gedcom_consistenttext' => "This is the preferred way to import gedcom data into the database.
If this option is enabled while you are adding a new person or family or while you are editing an existing person or family you will see the queued and not the imported gedcom data.
This way you can compare and manually add/change new/existing records.
On record save the queued gedcom record will be assigned to the saved record.

You can turn off this option at any time on this page.",
	'gedcom_consistentturnoff' => "Turn OFF",
	'gedcom_consistentturnon' => "Turn ON",
	'gedcom_createnew' => "Create new record from gedcom",
	'gedcom_dontimportcheckedbtn' => "",
	'gedcom_editnew' => "Edit new record",
	'gedcom_editselected' => "Edit selected",
	'gedcom_error' => "There has been an error",
	'gedcom_errors' => "Errors: $1",
	'gedcom_execute' => "Execute",
	'gedcom_filenotfound' => "File \"$1\" not found.",
	'gedcom_imporedrecords' => "Imported persons",
	'gedcom_imported' => "imported",
	'gedcom_newgaranted' => "I am absolutely sure that none of the records in the gedcom file exists in the GLOBAL database.",
	'gedcom_nostoponerror' => "Don't stop on error during auto import.
In this case records with errors will be marked. (Option is available only during import to \"Rd Engine\" database)",
	'gedcom_otherfeatures' => "Other procedures",
	'gedcom_permitedold' => "Ignore all people that died less than $1 years ago. <b>disable this option only if you have permission to import information about recent people in a public database</b>",
	'gedcom_permitedyoung' => "Ignore all people that were born less than $1 years ago. <b>disable this option only if you have permission to import information about young people in a public database</b>",
	'gedcom_previewautoimport' => "Preview",
	'gedcom_previewevery' => "Check this to preview every gedcom record before you import it to the database. We <b>strongly recommend</b> that you use this option if you import your gedcom file to the Rodovid database for the first time.",
	'gedcom_processnotes' => "Status: $1",
	'gedcom_queuedtext' => "Queued gedcom record ready to import...",
	'gedcom_ready' => "ready to import",
	'gedcom_showimported' => "Show imported records",
	'gedcom_similar' => "Similar records (click to edit)",
	'gedcom_skipbtn' => "Skip (do not import)",
	'gedcom_skiped' => "skipped",
	'gedcom_startautoimport' => "Continue",
	'gedcom_statustext' => "Status of your gedcom file cache",
	'gedcom_sum' => "sum",
	'gedcom_updatebtn' => "Update selected record",
	'gedcom_uploadfiletext' => "Here you can upload your Gedcom file to database. You can zip your Gedcom file before upload.",
	'gedcomparser' => "GEDCOM Parser",
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